Tuesday 14 June 2011

20 Powerful Networking Tips

Good morning Gorgeous People
Anyone who meets me quickly finds out I'm a passionate campaigner for an evolved form of networking particularly for businesswomen. Much of the time I feel like I'm the lone voice in my campaign so I was heartened and excited when I came across the Heartlink Network in the U.S.

Our stories were similar: I too researched many womens networks and found them to disappoint, they were mens networks dressed up in pink and purple and sold as something special. None of them seemed to have done the research to establish a credible premise for their existence.

When I designed SHE Business Australia I had in mind a place that inspired and supported success. I wanted to encourage business relationships using discussion and debate rather than the shmultzy sales pitch, I wanted learning and development to be a given, I wanted fun, team spirit and a sense of adventure to resonate. I set out to create an environment where women would know they've come to invest in themselves and in doing so would expect more and participate in more than traditional 'networking'.

We're only at the beginning of our journey but already members write saying:

"SHE Business Working Lunches are the best of their kind, an indispensable part of my small business success. Love them!" J Maxwell

Whether you're networking with SHE Business or elsewhere following is list of 20 Powerful Networking Tips from Dawn Billings of Heartlink Network. My personal favourites are points 2,3 and 4.
  1. Choose the right network for your business. Do you like happy hour networking? Do you want more business referral networking? Do you want more intimate quality relationship building networking? Take a careful look at your business needs as well as your personality.
  2. Organizations can be expensive to join—not just money, but your time as well. Visit the meeting twice before joining.
  3. Be consistent. Commit to the attending your networking events on a regular basis.
  4. Get involved—volunteer for a committee or to do a job during the meeting itself. Take on positions that will allow you to become known by more people.
  5. Never hand out cards with crossed out information. I know it is tempting to use those thousands of cards with the one mistake, but don’t do it. It is also a good idea to design a card with your picture on it.
  6. Follow up and follow through. Schedule a follow up time and a 20-minute coffee meeting. The fortune is in the follow up.
  7. Appear confident – even if in the beginning you feel like you are pretending, keep pretending until it is actually true.
  8. Be aware of your body language. 90% of what we are communicating we are communicating with our bodies. Remember to stand up straight and breathe deeply. It will help you stay centered and focused.
  9. Don’t fidget. People notice when you are fidgeting. Have people who love you share if you have any non-conscious habits that might distract people’s attention from the value of your products and services. Break those habits.
  10. Introduce yourself first. Be bold. Don’t wait on others to come to meet you. Go and meet them.
  11. Shake hands like you are truly pleased to meet someone. They can feel your sincerity.
  12. Use a person’s name several times when you first meet. It will help you remember their name. People love to hear their names.
  13. Ask open ended questions. Don’t answer questions that can be answered with simple yes or no’s or that is what you might just get.
  14. Listen carefully and intently. Listening is the best way to build trust in a new relationship.
  15. Have a :30, 1 minute and 2 minute “elevator speech” prepared for when someone asks what you do. Make sure you use every word carefully and powerfully.
  16. Be a connector. Work to think of connections you can make for the person to whom you are speaking. People will naturally want to connect you with prospects as well.
  17. When you share, share the benefits your customers receive as a result using your products and services. People want to know, “what is in it for them?”. For example, “as a result of my services, my clients reduce their stress and improve their stamina. This results in increased self confidence, increased earning potential and the energy to enjoy their time with their family.”
  18. Express your positive thoughts about the person and/or their business. So many times we assume successful people don’t need to be commended or reassured, but everyone enjoys it.
  19. Remember, business networking is marketing, and marketing is a process. Chances are you won’t get 5 new clients or customers from your next networking event. Your goal should be for others to get to know you, the resources you possess and the services you offer. People want to do business with people they like. Realize that these events allow people to become acquainted with you and eventually utilize your services or recommend you to someone else.
  20. Just get out there, fill your heart with a generous spirit, be real, and enjoy yourself! Becoming a successful business networker can open your life up to a miriad of new and wonderful relationships, experiences and profits.
Love to hear which ones resonate with you.