Monday 15 August 2011

23 days

Good morning gorgeous people

Yesterday I sat in my car and cried.

How can you not cry when you hear of Somali women escaping war and famine on foot with children in tow.

How can you not cry at the desperation of Somali women walking 23 days to get to a refuge camp.

How can you not cry when you hear of Somali women having to leave their dead children at the side of the road in order to save the lives of their surviving ones.

How can you not cry when you think of their desperation and courage.

How can you not cry when you think they'll spend years in a refugee camp (if they survive the regular outbreak of disease).

I can't get 23 days out of my head.  How many meals we have in 23 days, how much sleep we get, how many times we get to relax, see friends, be creative, whinge and whine, be productive.

And they keep walking.

23 days.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

What do the Brady Bunch and Online Networking have in common?

Q:  What do the Brady Bunch and Online Networking have in common?

A:  They’re both saccharin sweet for easy digestion

Today I’m tired with most of my energy is being diverted to keeping a positive mindset rather than clearly strategizing and executing my business.

I turned to twitter and facebook for distraction and found myself reading through reams of positive and inspirational quotes and jealously eyeing the fabulous events happening in the lives others. Instead of feeling uplifted I found myself feeling agitated.

SHE Business has a private online Members Lounge so I decided to visit and have a really honest conversation with other members, “this is how I am today, it feels tough, nothing wrong but hey if you’re feeling the same, it’s life, it’s business “.

I’m not about to divulge the private comments of fellow members but I will share with you a sense of the most communal and enormous sigh of relief …. finally someone was being real.

As business owners we daily take on mind-blowing challenges and most of the time we nail it and start hunting for the next one. To pretend it’s always ‘fabulous’ lacks integrity and to make comparisons with saccharin sweet one dimensional versions of people on social media is incredibly damaging.

I don’t believe online networking will change and maybe it shouldn’t but I do think we need to remind each other that just as the Brady Bunch is not a true reflection of family life, social media is not a true reflection of life.

(if I’m wrong and social media is a true reflection then my life sux in comparison)

Love to hear your thoughts