Monday 15 August 2011

23 days

Good morning gorgeous people

Yesterday I sat in my car and cried.

How can you not cry when you hear of Somali women escaping war and famine on foot with children in tow.

How can you not cry at the desperation of Somali women walking 23 days to get to a refuge camp.

How can you not cry when you hear of Somali women having to leave their dead children at the side of the road in order to save the lives of their surviving ones.

How can you not cry when you think of their desperation and courage.

How can you not cry when you think they'll spend years in a refugee camp (if they survive the regular outbreak of disease).

I can't get 23 days out of my head.  How many meals we have in 23 days, how much sleep we get, how many times we get to relax, see friends, be creative, whinge and whine, be productive.

And they keep walking.

23 days.

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