Tuesday 2 August 2011

What do the Brady Bunch and Online Networking have in common?

Q:  What do the Brady Bunch and Online Networking have in common?

A:  They’re both saccharin sweet for easy digestion

Today I’m tired with most of my energy is being diverted to keeping a positive mindset rather than clearly strategizing and executing my business.

I turned to twitter and facebook for distraction and found myself reading through reams of positive and inspirational quotes and jealously eyeing the fabulous events happening in the lives others. Instead of feeling uplifted I found myself feeling agitated.

SHE Business has a private online Members Lounge so I decided to visit and have a really honest conversation with other members, “this is how I am today, it feels tough, nothing wrong but hey if you’re feeling the same, it’s life, it’s business “.

I’m not about to divulge the private comments of fellow members but I will share with you a sense of the most communal and enormous sigh of relief …. finally someone was being real.

As business owners we daily take on mind-blowing challenges and most of the time we nail it and start hunting for the next one. To pretend it’s always ‘fabulous’ lacks integrity and to make comparisons with saccharin sweet one dimensional versions of people on social media is incredibly damaging.

I don’t believe online networking will change and maybe it shouldn’t but I do think we need to remind each other that just as the Brady Bunch is not a true reflection of family life, social media is not a true reflection of life.

(if I’m wrong and social media is a true reflection then my life sux in comparison)

Love to hear your thoughts


Lindsay Asquith said...

I totally agree - sometimes it is really hard to always promote your business as ground-breaking,original and important when you do the same things day in day out just to keep your small business on the map!

Anne Miles said...

I really appreciate your authenticity Suzy! I was having that exact discussion with a good friend who is also a "Power Chick" as I call us self driven professional girls. I spend a lot of energy moving forward, having a positive attitude, being driven, keeping a good front no matter the challenge and sometimes we need a safe place to say out loud the challenges we're having.

Once I'd had this 'cleansing' as I call it, I could re-evaluate which were just my own emotional barriers that I could just ignore and push past, which were actual grounded issues that needed some readjustment and new direction, and which needed to be kept and trust that they would eventually work out. Then, the next day - back into the positive mode and 'keepin' on truckin' as they say.

Thanks for the honesty. The self help world can take things too far and we are often not grounded. Great post!

suzy jacobs said...

Hi Lindsay and Anne

One of the challenges we have as entrepreneurs is to keep a positive mindset to propel ourselves forward everyday. We do it well most of the time which is why we're successful.
I created SHE Business to be a very real landing place for businesswomen on the up and up, because although each of us has enormous strength, energy and enthusiasm it pays us to tap into a place which supports real conversation, collaboration, sharing of ideas and knowledge and provides inspiration just when you need it.
The online space allows us to hide away and pretend all is good which is not always healthy.
Thanks for your feedback.