Monday 10 October 2011

List'em Up

List’em up…

Have you noticed how human beings love lists? There’s the famous The New York Times Bestseller List, Fortune 500(American corporations), the Forbes List of The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women (including three Australians … can you guess who?), and the Guinness Book of Records, which is one long list.

There are multiple lists of 100 all-time favourite movies, greatest songs, albums etc, so I wasn’t surprised when I came across the list of 100 entrepreneurs who didn’t complete college.

Some names you’ll recognise immediately such as Steve Wozniak (Apple), Vidal Sassoon, Richard Branson, Jerry Yang (Yahoo!) and Walt Disney. You can click here for the complete list.

So if a college degree isn’t essential for entrepreneurial success, I became keenly interested in discovering the attributes that are. In my research I came across more lists, more than half a dozen that laid claim to containing the essential attributes for success. The one I liked most read as follows:


1.     Inner drive to succeed
2.     Strong belief in themselves
3.     Search for new ideas and innovation
4.     Openness to change
5.     Competitive by nature
6.     Highly motivated and energetic
7.     Accepting of constructive criticism and rejection

Having reflected on this list for a few days, I decided that each of these attributes contributed to a clear path of thought; uncluttered by any murky waters of doubt, it allowed the entrepreneur to ask just one question:

How?  Could ‘How’ really be the entrepreneur’s best friend? 

It certainly confers certainty and opens the creative hatch.  So I'm giving it a go, I’m taking ‘how’ into every aspect of my life – health, family, business – and whenever I sense overwhelm or a challenging scenario, I can play this trump card, focusing my attention on just one inevitable outcome, success … I just have to find out how!

‘How’ … do you like it?


Alycia Edgar said...

i love this Suzy. i love the word how and it is in my mindset all the time but for some it can be the word that paralyses them from action. Thinking about what to do is often the easy part but the how is the implementation phase where some fall short. And it proves your point about the successful people. They do, do, do. They get things happening and adapt as they go along, no stopping to contemplate how for an enternity. It's simply this is how and lets get it done.

Helen Denney-Stone said...

Hi Suzy - How is certainly an entrepreneur's friend with every aspect of being an entrepreneur you make choices often based after the consideration of "how can I see this situation from a different perspective" this keeps you free from any murky waters, open to the bigger picture, exempt from doubt and moving in a forwards direction.
The two other attributes for me are Flexibility and two words "I can"