Sunday 10 April 2011

Challenges of Start UP

Saturday was a right off.

Having worked with dogged determination and unwavering energy over the past 6 weeks I'd finally run down my energy resources so I hit the bottom and struggled getting up.

I own the belief that emanates from my core to start SHE Business, it's a belief that drives relentless energy, provides leadership for my team and has me step out of my comfort zone every single day but on Friday I tripped!

I had a meltdown over the SHE Business logo and website.  I found myself caught between striving for the truest representation of my vision for the brand and a tacit acceptance of mediocre. This dilemma, of course is not a problem in itself,  it is the scourge of other ugly ramifications that are so draining.  As a 'start up' I work to tight deadlines and on tight budgets so with 2 such visual business pillars looking 'weak' I just wanted to run away.

So on Saturday I took the day off (the first in a few months) and looked at my options; I was exhausted and ; wanted an easy life.  I played with the picture of me as a corporate maverick, a lady of leisure, a part-timer;  they all looked enticing compared to dealing with my business problems.  I read the newspapers, moved from sofa to bed, watched TV and generally moped around.  I let the belief go, the leadership fall away and provided space for my energy and enthusiasm to return.

On Sunday I woke with fresh eyes, what had looked like such a huge problem on Friday & Saturday suddenly looked like an uncomfortable glitch requiring my leadership, belief and energy to resolve.

So here I am on Monday itching for my team to make it to the office, for my suppliers to answer my calls and I'm reminded what a crazy, roller coaster ride, business is.  Most days I'm loving the ride of my life but there will always be the few when I want to jump off.

Exhaustion can do that to you.

SHE Business Australia
Driving advancement, influence and prosperity of professional, working women in Australia

May 24 Launch

For further information call:  02 91130777

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