Wednesday 13 April 2011

Take care of the small stuff

Good morning Wonderful People

I'm blessed to be surrounded by interested, outspoken & generous women all of whom keep me sane during the times when I want to give it all away.

A few conversations lately have resonated with me but one in particular gave me a timely reminder about business principles.

We know that without a vision for our business there's little hope of success but sometimes we can be so focused on the vision we can forget about the the basics.  I have a huge vision for SHE Business Australia - we want to be influencing the advancement & prosperity of professional working women, impacting both our culture & economy!  A HUGE, BIG TIME, MASSIVE GOAL.  So BIG it sometimes feels overwhelming and that's the sense I've had over the past week until I had one of those beautiful conversations that brought me back to basics.

A SHE Business member, Gaye Crispin reminded me of one of the tenets of business - take care of the small stuff & the big stuff will take care of itself.  In a world where we're constantly urged to have BHAG's, and everyone's sharing them "loud & proud" it might make the difference to your business to get back to the basics.

So the basics for me are: excellent customer service, nurture existing client base, attention to detail & dealing with the hard stuff.

In the moment that I chose to get back to basics was the moment I took back control of my sanity and started enjoying business & life again.

If you're looking for 'team' of women who are well connected, intelligent & informed maybe you want to check our next SHE Business Working lunch in Chatswood (Sydney) Thursday 21 April.


PS Thanks Gaye :)

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