Saturday 30 April 2011

Transition, Failure and the Beauty of Communication

Good evening Gorgeous People

I'm often told I shouldn't share my failures, that as a leader of an organisation my job is to set an example of success and strength but I think a sign of strength is to be able to discuss ones failures, so here I am again, talking about the insights I've had stemming from my failures.

Thankfully I have tremendously intelligent, inspiring & loyal businesswomen around me, most of them are members of SHE Business Australia and they're all prepared to share their collective knowledge and experience.

Business start up is challenging enough but transitioning a business from one character to another is, in my experience even more challenging. Keeping current clients content and on the program whilst preparing the look and feel of the new entity is a juggling act, keeping current clients happy whilst other clients choose a different path is a struggle. The struggle is as much for my ego as it is for my business prowess.

I found myself desperately trying to race through the transition period rather than languishing in it. It seemed the sooner I got this process over the better, but that was a mistake.

I missed an opportunity to celebrate my failures and take the necessary steps to transition gracefully.

But those intelligent, inspiring & loyal businesswomen kept me on track.

One sent a facebook link to The Worst Failure of All is Wasting Failure a terrific article that challenged me to enhance my success by embracing my failures. My personal favourite of these tips is to conduct a Celebrating Failure Day, a reminder that we shouldn't put our failures behind us permanently because then there's nothing to learn from.

The other piece of advice came from a discussion at SHE Business regarding a book on transitioning by William Bridges and helped me stay present and feel okay, with the current situation, hence taking the weight of the world off my shoulders.

People often ask what makes SHE Business different and I offer the above as an example. There are plenty of places for people to network, there are far fewer where you can share, build rapport, debate & discuss knowing that each person believes that together we can achieve more than we can alone.

1 comment:

Vicky said...

So true Suzy. Your article remided me of this quote!
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Sir Winston Churchill