Sunday 29 May 2011

Business Breakout in Balmain

Last Thursday in the pre dawn of a Sydney autumn morning I kept with tradition and hurtled out to the Sydney Markets to search out the freshest flowers for use at the launch of SHE Business.

I love cruising the near empty roads to immerse myself in the raw commerce of the Sydney Markets, business in its simplest form - trading in wholesale fruit, vegetables and flowers.

By 6.30am, spirits running high and my car overflowing with flowers I was on my way to The Exchange Hotel, Balmain to meet my colleagues Monica Brewer and Danita Needleman to stamp the SHE Business brand on the premises we were using to launch the Inner West territory.

As we prepped for the day we savored moments of silence to gather our thoughts and moments where we boisterously refined our vision and got clear on what we wanted to create for our guests. We also stopped for just a moment to reflect on how hard we’d worked to get there.

Long before the appointed hour people started gathering, the heady noise of businesswomen connecting filled the room drawing the attention of passers-by.

Highlights for the day: Too many to mention but I’ll start with …

Monica Brewer - our latest franchisee and director for the Inner West, on stage sharing her vision to take her 25 years experience as accountant and coach to benefit her members. It was a personal and heartfelt story that touched many in the room.

Hearing from current members (who’d come from all over Sydney) Naomi Rosenthal, Elke Koch, Amanda Webb and Claire Stretch sharing the results their results from SHE Business membership. They spoke of new business, new friendships, learning & development and ultimately becoming better businesswomen. They were honest and gorgeous and I thank them for it.

Clare Mann, our speaker and communications expert – funny, clever and professional. She offered her 3 tips for excellence in business (and bedroom) communication and the discussion and debate that ensued was funny and incredibly informative.

It was a brilliant day and I know that the women of the inner west will be in good hands as members of SHE Business.

Visit a Working Lunch: $65 including lunch, vino and fabulous business. Book at

If you'd like to visit the inner west community they'll be meeting for the first time on the third Thursday of June 2011. Check out for further information.

PS Lots more photos on Facebook

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