Tuesday 19 July 2011

Networking is a Relationship NOT a Scorecard

What does networking mean to you?

Does it mean making connections on LinkedIn? Or perhaps on Facebook and Twitter?

Or does it mean morning coffee or evening drinks with the perfect contact?

Is it the exchange of business cards at a conference, a speed networking event or seminar?

Perhaps the answer includes all of the above.

However, those examples focus more on the means to exchange information, and less about the development of a relationship.

If we define networking as the development of a relationship following are 15 possible definitions:


1. Remembering to call to say thanks
2. Calling to say it didn’t work out, but thanks for the referral
3. Being a source of information
4. Keeping a confidence
5. Sharing information
6. Being savvy enough to know the difference between networking and name collecting
7. Delivering on your promises
8. Having a plan
9. Keeping in touch
10. Following up on leads
11. Being willing to say yes to a request
12. Knowing when to say “no”
13. Extending your contacts
14. Remembering your roots
15. Being a friend

Anything else you'd like to add?

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