Sunday 31 July 2011

What materials do you need for a successful word of mouth campaign?

Good morning Gorgeous People

I always keep my eye on the "networking" world and I usually drop by to see what Ivan Misner, the grand daddy of networking, has been up to.

I really loved his advice for gathering the right tools for a successful word-of-mouth campaign and thought I'd share them with you here today.


1-Testimonial letters from satisfied clients
2-Photos of yourself, your office facilities, equipment, and/or products
3-Logos of your key customers
4-A list of your memberships and affiliations
5-Question-and-answer sheets
6-Photos of awards and certificates you and your staff have earned
7-Articles you have published, or in which you’re mentioned
8-A one-page flier
9-New-product or service announcements or press releases
10-Current brochures, circulars, and data sheets, and product catalogs
11-Items that reflect your “brand”
12-Items that help you explain your business to your network
13-Client or customer proposals, bid sheets, or marketing letters you have written to existing clients
14-Articles on trends affecting your target market

Would you add anything else to this list? Love to hear from you.


suzy jacobs said...

Hi, this is me

Deb Pilgrim said...

Great list to consider Suzy. I was trying to think what else I could add, but really only came up with including this list on social media as well.